Hip & Upper Leg Pain Treatment in Lake Forest

Hip and leg pain are common complaints that can be the result of a variety of issues. The hip is a weight-bearing, large joint on each side of the pelvis that attaches the femur, large leg one, to the pelvis. The top of the femur bone is shaped like a round ball that fits into a socket of the pelvic bone. This ball and socket formation allows fluid movements when walking, sitting, running, etc. 

The hip provides stability for the entire body and is the largest weight bearing joint that withstands repeated motion. Despite its strength and durability, it can become damaged or wear down due to use, age, and trauma. Some hip and upper leg pain is merely annoying, but more severe pain can affect activities and even be debilitating.

Hip & Upper Leg Pain Therapy

Your Body, Your Way

Together, we will create a personalized treatment plan catered to YOUR body, YOUR pain points and YOUR speed. What is right for one won’t be right for another. We specialize in the following methods to create a customized treatment plan.

If you are looking for a solution for your hip and upper leg pain that doesn’t involve surgery or medication, chiropractic care may be the solution you are looking for. A chiropractor can perform gentle spinal adjustments to reduce or eliminate spinal misalignments that could be the source of your pain or be making it worse.

Your chiropractor may also be able to suggest lifestyle adjustments and stretches and exercises to help increase the flexibility and range of motion in your hips and strengthen muscles to help speed the healing process.

Can a chiropractor help with hip alignment?

A chiropractor is a great first option if you are suffering from misaligned hips or other hip pain. It is a non-invasive treatment that focuses on rebalancing the body through gentle repositioning of the hips. And sometimes pain in the hip stems from the lower back–a chiropractor can help identify and treat the cause of hip pain.

Is chiropractic treatment of the hips effective?

Chiropractic is increasing in popularity in part due to research that supports its effectiveness. Seeking chiropractic treatment for hip pain has few side effects and offers a number of different treatment options that are often much more effective than medication according to recent research.

Can hip problems result in pain in my upper leg?

Hip pain may be felt in the back, side, or front of the hip. The nerves that travel from the hip down the leg often cause radiating pain that is felt from the hip to the thigh, knee, and even lower legs.

What causes pain to run down my hip into my leg?

Sciatica is a condition that is caused by a pinched or injured sciatic nerve. This nerve runs from the lower back down the back of each leg. If this large nerve is injured or has pressure put on it, it can cause pain that spreads to the hips, buttocks, and legs.


The iliopsoas muscles are a set of muscles located toward the front of the inner hip. The psoas muscle, one of the muscles, extends from the lower spine, through the pelvis, and to the femur. These muscles are the primary hip flexors and help with upright posture, assist in lumbar spine motion, and influence the curvature of the spine. Iliopsoas syndrome, or hip flexor syndrome, occurs when these muscles are injured.

Snapping sounds in the hip aren’t usually deemed a symptom of the syndrome until they are accompanied by weakness and pain. Additional symptoms include stiffness and pain in the thigh and hip area, pain that starts sharp but becomes more dull and aching, pain that worsens when bending the hip, and tenderness in the groin and hip area.

Hip flexor syndrome can happen to anyone, although athletes seem to be at higher risk, particularly those that use their hips for running and jumping. Other causes may include osteoarthritis, injuries, overuse, and post hip replacement surgery.

Most cases of hip flexor syndrome can be managed with rest, ice, and anti-inflammatory medication. Sometimes physical therapy and steroid injections are used to relieve symptoms. Chiropractic treatments may also be beneficial to manipulate soft tissue, release myofascial tension and areas of tightness, and restore normal lumbopelvic joint mobility.

Why does my hip sound or feel like its snapping?

When a muscle is very tight a tendon may rub and produce an audible snapping noise when passing over bones. When accompanied by pain or hip dysfunction, it could be due to hip flexor syndrome.

How long does hip flexor syndrome take to heal?

Recovery time is generally between six to eight weeks and doctors recommend limiting activity during this recovery period.

What problems can hip flexor syndrome cause?

Tight hip flexor muscles can cause a variety of problems including poor posture, back pain, bloating, functional leg length discrepancy, constipation, sciatica, and lymph drainage issues.


Symptoms of groin pulls include tenderness and pain in the inside of the thigh and groin area, pain when raising the knees or bringing the legs together, swelling and/or bruising, decreased strength in the upper leg, and a popping or snapping sound when the injury occurs.

A groin pull is most common among athletes and most frequently occurs in the athlete’s dominant leg. It typically occurs when turning quickly while jumping, running, kicking, or skating. Although sports are the most common cause, a groin pull may occur from other types of exercise such as resistance training, overuse of the muscles, lifting heavy objects, or falling.

The goal of treatment for a groin pull is to reduce swelling and pain. The first course of action is to rest, ice, compress, and elevate the leg. Anti-inflammatory medications may also be suggested by your doctor. Groin strains are also commonly treated with chiropractic care. This treatment may include gentle adjustments, myofascial release, ultrasound therapy, kinesiotaping, and other therapeutic stretches and exercises.

How long should you rest a groin pull?

With a 1st degree strain you may only need to rest a few days before you can start gentle exercises and stretching. A 2nd degree strain may require up to a week of rest, and a 3rd degree strain will require additional rest and may involve the use of crutches to remain non-weight bearing for at least part of the rest period.

Is heat or ice better for a pulled groin muscle?

Because internal bleeding may occur with this type of injury, ice is typically recommended to reduce the bleeding.

How do I know if I have a pulled groin or hernia?

A groin strain is often felt as a sudden jolt of pain when making a quick side to side movement and pain from a hernia usually develops over time. Hernia pain also typically increases when going to the bathroom and can also be felt as a small bulge in the inner, upper thigh.

Groin pulls, or groin strains, result when too much stress is put onto muscles in the thigh and groin. When muscles are tensed too suddenly or forcefully, they can overstretch or even tear. These injuries are common in people that play sports that require a lot of jumping or running. Groin pulls are typically divided into three categories of severity. 1st degree pulls result in mild pain and little loss of movement or strength. 2nd degree pulls cause moderate pain and mild to moderate loss of strength as well as minor tissue damage. 3rd degree pulls result in severe loss of strength, function, and pain due to a complete tear of the muscle.


The hip is a ball and socket joint located in the pelvis. The ball and socket each are covered with smooth cartilage and the labrum is an additional specialized cartilage that runs along the rim of the sock to provide stability to the hip joint and a type of suction seal to absorb shock and distribute pressure when the hip joint moves. The labrum can become detached or torn from the socket for a variety of reasons.

A labral hip tear can result in pain in the buttocks or deep groin pain in the injured hip, stiffness when moving the hip, and pain when the hip rotates in some directions. A clicking or locking sound or feeling may occur when the hip is in motion.

A torn labrum may be the result of wear and tear from repetitive motion or a traumatic injury. It is most common in athletes that have repeated hip flexion or sudden impact to the hips such as football, soccer, and hockey players. Some other conditions of the hip also make the labrum susceptible to tears. These include hip impingement, also known as femoroacetabular impingement, and osteoarthritis of the hip.

Some people who experience a hip labral tear have no symptoms and don’t require any treatment. However, if you are having symptoms, anti-inflammatory medication, rest, ice, and physical therapy often help with the pain. Chiropractic treatment for labral hip tears is also a common treatment method. It involves soft tissue therapy, flexibility exercises, and gentle adjustments to restore range of motion, strengthen the muscles of the hip, and restore muscle imbalances to encourage healing of the torn labrum.

What happens if a labral tear goes untreated?

If left untreated, a labral tear may become an irritant to the hip joint which can lead to friction in the hip and the progression of osteoarthritis.

Does a labral hip tear hurt all the time?

Some patients who experience a labral hip tear may not have any pain at all, while others report locking or clicking hip sensations and significant pain.

How is a labral hip tear diagnosed?

Most patients can be diagnosed with a physical examination and history. An MRI may be used to see the extent of the injury and to check for any other diagnosis that may coexist with the tear such as femoroacetabular impingement.


A hamstring injury typically results in sharp, sudden pain to the back of the thigh. You may also feel a tearing or popping sensation and tenderness and swelling typically develop within the next few hours. You may also experience muscle weakness and bruising.

The set of muscles that form the hamstrings run along the back of the thigh from the hip to just below the knee. These muscles make it possible to bend your knee and extend your leg. When one of the muscles stretches beyond its limit during activities, injury can result. Athletes are most prone to these injuries, but they can occur with other activities as well.

Luckily, most hamstring strains heal on their own with rest. Chiropractic care offers a number of therapeutic ways to help promote the body’s own ability to heal its tissue. A chiropractor will perform treatments that will take away any pressure that is weighing down on the nerves in the injured area. This may involve massage, soft tissue treatments, and gentle adjustments.

How long will it take a pulled hamstring to heal?

The recovery time will depend on how bad of a strain you have experienced. It may take as little as a couple of days, or as long as several months.

Can a pulled hamstring repair itself?

Although hamstring injuries can be very painful, they usually heal on their own. However, to return to full function, some hamstring strains that are more extensive may need therapy and treatment to expedite the healing process and maintain full function after recovery.

Can sitting too much cause hamstring pain?

Limited range of motion can tighten hamstrings and sitting too long at a desk won’t take hamstrings through their full range of motion which can tighten them and result in pain.

A pulled hamstring occurs when you pull or strain a hamstring muscle. This is a set of three muscles that run along the back of the thigh that are more likely to be injured when participating in activities that involve sprinting with sudden starts and stops such as soccer, basketball, and tennis.


Femoral nerve entrapment is a condition that results from the femoral nerve being trapped somewhere along its course, usually at the spine. This can result in numbness, weakness, and pain, typically felt in the front of the thigh. The condition often goes away without any type of treatment, but not always. In some cases, therapy and medications are needed to assist with the symptoms while the body heals.

Symptoms of femoral nerve entrapment may include sensation changes in the leg, knee, or thigh. This may include numbness, decreased sensitivity, burning, tingling, or pain. Weakness of the leg or knee may also be felt which can cause difficulty going up or down stairs with the feeling that the knee is buckling or giving way.

The most common cause of femoral nerve entrapment is a disc prolapse in the lumbar spine. As the disc prolapses or bulges, it moves backwards and hits a branch of the femoral nerve causing symptoms. Degenerative changes that narrow the gap where the nerve exits the spinal cord can also result in this condition. Hip arthritis, and tumors may also cause femoral nerve entrapment.

Medication and therapy are often used to help control the symptoms of femoral nerve entrapment. Chiropractic care can also be helpful and enable one to stretch and strengthen the muscles in the region. Gentle adjustments of the spine and massage therapy can also treat the underlying cause of the condition by taking pressure off the nerve and promoting healing.

How is femoral nerve damage tested for?

To diagnose femoral nerve entrapment, your doctor will perform a physical exam and ask questions about recent injuries. They may also test specific muscles that receive sensation from the femoral nerve.

Is heat or ice better for nerve pain?

It is best to use ice when the pain is still sharp and then move to heat once the pain has become a dull ache. Heat will increase blood flow and help tissues heal faster.

What happens when the femoral nerve is damaged?

The femoral nerve controls the thigh muscles and is responsible for knee extension and bending of the hip. Damage to the femoral nerve can cause weakness, numbness, and even paralysis of the legs.


Depending on how severe the strain is, an adductor strain may cause pain that comes on suddenly or gradually and is mild or severe in nature. Common symptoms include tenderness and pain in the inside of the thigh and groin, sudden pain that is accompanied by a popping sensation in the inner thigh, inability to continue activity, pain when raising the knees or bringing the legs together, limping, and bruising.

Adductor strains typically occur during acute muscle contraction, such as when pivoting or kicking. They are common in people playing sports, particularly in athletes that suddenly change direction or jump a lot.

Most adductor strains respond to conservative treatment such as rest, ice, and anti-inflammatory medication. Chiropractic treatment of the strain may also be helpful to improve movement, stability, and position of the pelvis, hip, lower back, and leg in order to reduce stress and risk of further tissue damage. Chiropractic adjustment techniques may also be applied to improve the function of surrounding muscles and joints.

How long will it take an adductor strain to heal?

Most strains improve within 10 to 14 days, but a severe strain may take several weeks to heal and require crutches during the recovery period.

Is heat or ice better for an adductor strain?

Ice is typically recommended for 10 to 20 minutes at a time every one or two hours for the first few days. After the initial swelling has gone down, heat may be beneficial to restore blood flow to the area to promote healing.

Do I have an adductor strain or tendinopathy?

Adductor tendinopathy typically occurs after a strain or can appear over time. It will cause pain on stretching your groin and any resisted hip movement. Stretching the groin muscles too early after a groin strain is believed to lead to the development of tendinopathy.

An adductor muscle strain is an injury to the groin muscle on the inside of the thigh. Strains and tears typically occur at the muscle insertion, in the belly of the muscle, or at the junction of the muscle and tendon. Strains can be mild or severe enough to disrupt the integrity of the muscle.

How to Fix Hip & Upper Leg Pain in Lake Forest

Because symptoms of hip and upper leg pain can also mimic other injuries, it is important to get a correct diagnosis from a professional, such as a chiropractor, to ensure you’re getting the right treatment.

In addition to chiropractic adjustments, your practitioner can also provide guidance on proper rehabilitation exercises to perform at home. These personalized exercises will help you continue to address the root of your problem outside of a practitioner’s office and help to speed your recovery process.

During your new patient evaluation, we will determine 3 things:
What is the
underlying issue?
Is that a problem
we can help?
What will it take
to get you better?

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"Dr. Kowalik is extremely skilled in chiropractic adjustments. I have been to many chiropractors for over a 30 year period. Since seeing Dr. Kowalik, my need has been greatly reduced. He helped my bad neck like no other chiropractor could. He's also adjusted my hands, elbows, and feet. In addition to his great skill at adjusting, he is extremely knowledgable about managing health. He is very dedicated to patient care and education. I would highly recommend him. Additionaly, his office is always very friendly."
"I would tell anybody that needs to see a Chiropractor or having problems with their back, or walking, etc. see Dr. Kowalik right away. He is the real deal and will have you feeling better in no time. It was amazing how quickly he helped me as I had trouble walking and sitting down without pain. Just after one visit I was feeling better. You can also not ask for a more comfortable environment or genuinely friendly staff. I recommend Dr. Kowalik to anyone and everyone as he will make a difference for you too."
"I think what impressed me the most was the initial exam. It was the most comprehensive exam I have ever had from a Chiropractor. Once he understood my issues he prescribed a very defined course of action. I really liked his approach, his knowledge about wellness and his team spirited attitude. After my first adjustment, that evening, I received a call from the Dr. to see how I was doing. This showed me I am not in this alone, he is my partner, he is working WITH me to get me back in alignment. Its a team. It's so much more than a generic chiropractor. This place ROCKS!"